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24 Hour Live Operator Service

Advanced Answering Center (AAC) is a complete answering service and call center utilizing the latest in computerized equipment. Prompt, professional and competent operators are available to answer your calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

With over 25 years of experience, we have the knowledge and expertise that you are looking for.

You tell us…
  • How to answer your line.
  • What information you need from each caller.
  • What to do with the information.
  • How to deliver the message to you.

You can receive your messages several ways…

  • Alphanumeric Paging – Receive your entire message on the screen of your pager. Messages can also be faxed or e-mailed simultaneously.
  • Numeric Paging – Receive a number on the screen of your pager letting you know you have a message waiting. Messages can also be faxed or e-mailed simultaneously.
  • Email – Have your message e-mailed to you at a set time, or as they come in.
  • Fax – Have your messages faxed to you at a set time, or as they come in.
  • Check-in Line – Call in to retrieve your messages and never be placed on hold.

Advantages of 24 Hour Live Operator Service.