Record your own personal greeting on your pager number. Greet your customers with your own voice and message when they page you. Update your greeting as often as you like from any touch tone phone.
Features Archive
Numeric Retrieval
Pager turned off? Battery dead? Traveling outside of the coverage area? No Problem! The Numeric Retrieval option will store your last 15 numeric messages. You can call your own pager number and play back your last 15 numeric messages.
Group Paging
A group pager number lets you send any number of users the same message at exactly the same time. Grouped pagers are ideal for emergency personnel, school evacuations, police departments, or even just disseminating general information to a large mobile work force.
Page Until Pickup
Page Until Pickup (PUP) works in conjunction with our voicemail packages. PUP will page you at a regular interval if you have a voicemail message that you have not listened to. Once you have listened to the voicemail message, the PUP option will stop paging you.
Cascade Until Pickup
Designed to be used with voicemail and a distribution list or group of on-call personnel. Cascade Until Pickup will page each member of the list, in order, until a member calls in and listens to the voicemail.
Repeat Page
The CVC Paging system will send every page 2 times. (1 minute apart)
Caller Pass Code
Caller Pass Code requires that a 4 digit pass code is entered before a page can be sent to a pager or a group of pagers. Caller Pass Code works great for eliminating wrong numbers or fraudulent pages in mission critical applications.
Page Forwarding
Forward your pages to another person’s pager. Page forwarding works great for covering physicians or other on-call situations. The caller does not have to be made aware of a changed pager number and you know that your pages will be handled by someone you trust.
Toll-Free Pager Numbers
CVC Paging offers toll-free pager numbers so anyone can page you, from anywhere in the country, with out having to pay toll charges.
Additional Pager Number
Add up to two additional pager telephone numbers to your pager. Ideal if you have callers from different states. Additional pager numbers also may also mitigate regional phone outages in mission critical applications.